Venus Sextile Chiron Natal

When Venus makes a sextile with Chiron in your natal chart, it often means your ability to love and heal work well together.

This aspect suggests you might easily use your painful experiences to help others and find beauty in the process of getting better.

What Venus Sextile Chiron Means in the Natal Chart

When Venus forms a sextile with Chiron in a birth chart, it links your loving nature and ability to see beauty (Venus) and your ability to heal and teach others (Chiron).

This sextile can make it easier for you to find love and beauty in the process of healing, both for yourself and others.

Key Traits of Venus Sextile Chiron:

  • Healing through Love: You might be good at helping others feel better by being kind and caring.
  • Healing through Art: You may use art or beautiful things as a way to heal yourself or others.
  • Helpful Relationships: You might attract relationships that help you grow and get better.
  • Seeing Beauty in Flaws: You may be able to see beauty in things that others think are broken or not perfect.

The Influence of Signs

How Venus sextile Chiron affects you can change based on which signs they’re in.

Here are some examples:

Venus in Cancer sextile Chiron in Taurus

Venus in Cancer makes you caring and emotionally supportive.

Chiron in Taurus helps you heal issues related to feeling good about yourself and having enough money.

This sextile might help you use emotional support and comfort to heal yourself and others.

Venus in Libra sextile Chiron in Sagittarius

Venus in Libra makes you value getting along with others and balanced relationships.

Chiron in Sagittarius helps you heal by learning new things and having new experiences.

This sextile might help you use good relationships and new experiences to feel better and grow.

Strengths and Challenges


  • Understanding Others: You can often understand and feel others’ pain, which helps you make them feel better.
  • Healing Touch: You might have a natural ability to make others feel better through hugs or making art.
  • Relationship Wisdom: Your own painful experiences might help you give good advice to others about relationships.


  • Putting Others First: You might sometimes care for others so much that you forget to take care of yourself.
  • Attracting People Who Need Help: You may find yourself drawn to people who need healing, which can be both good and tiring.
  • Avoiding Your Own Pain: You might focus on helping others to avoid dealing with your own hurts.

Venus Sextile Chiron in Key Natal House Pairings

The houses where Venus and Chiron are located show which parts of life this aspect affects most.

Here are three examples:

Venus in the 2nd House sextile Chiron in the 4th House:

This combination is about healing through feeling good about yourself and family connections.

You might find that feeling better about yourself helps fix family relationships, or that family support makes you feel more valuable.

Venus in the 7th House sextile Chiron in the 9th House:

This combination is about healing through relationships and learning new things.

You might find that your relationships inspire you to learn and grow, or that learning new things helps improve your relationships.

Venus in the 5th House sextile Chiron in the 3rd House:

This combination is about healing through being creative and talking to others.

You might use art to help fix communication problems, or find that expressing yourself helps in your creative activities.

Tips for Making the Most of the Aspect

Use your natural ability to understand others to help them, but remember to take care of yourself too.

Try doing art or things related to beauty as ways of healing.

Be open to relationships that help you grow, but don’t lose yourself in trying to fix others.

See the beauty in your own journey of getting better, including the hard parts.

Are you curious how other parts of your birth chart affect your ability to love and heal?

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This helps you better understand your ability to love and heal, and how to use these gifts effectively.

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Final Thoughts on Venus Sextile Chiron in the Natal Chart

Venus sextile Chiron in your natal chart can create a life where love and healing are closely connected.

This aspect can help you find beauty in the process of getting over pain and use your experiences to help others.

Understanding how the signs and houses influence this aspect can help you make the most of its caring energies.

Whether it brings a talent for healing through art, a knack for supportive relationships, or an ability to see beauty in things that aren’t perfect, this aspect can help you build a life filled with meaningful connections and personal growth.

Learn from what Venus teaches about love and beauty, and see how Chiron guides you to use these gifts in healing yourself and others.

Want to learn more about how your birth chart affects your ability to love and heal?

Looking at your whole birth chart can tell you even more about your ability to form healing relationships and find beauty in life’s challenges.

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